REP Weave Workshop

Classic and Non-Traditional Methods

Lucienne Coifman

This workshop will cover all you wanted to know about rep weave.  Every participant will set up their loom, in advance, with a different draft (4 or 8 shafts), provided by the instructor, allowing an exploration of a variety of material, sett and technique. We will study each sampler through drafting, color interaction and possible applications. We will also cover the 6 Basic Design Steps to plan your own Rep piece. Some samples will be inspired by weave structures such as shadow, honeycomb, twill and Korkbragd. Workshop is designed for the advanced beginner as well as more advanced weavers. It can also serve as a refresher course on rep weave for others.  There may be an opportunity to share drafts by either photographing other examples or weaving on other participants looms.

  • People who can warp a loom and follow a weaving pattern. Beginning to advanced weavers.

  • A loom warped according to directions provided

  • $345


Lucienne Coifman

Lucienne Coifman, a former research assistant in biochemistry, is self-taught in the art of weaving.

Lucienne started weaving almost 40 years ago. She quickly made it a full-time occupation and has taught weaving for the past 30 years at the Guilford Art Center, the Creative Arts Workshop, and in her own studio; she has also conducted workshops throughout the Northeast and the Midwest.

For the past 30 years she has been studying and developing the many ways to use rep weave, and other related warp-faced weaves, experimenting with the use of different fibers in the process. Lucienne’s main interest has centered on color interactions and patterns, using up to 8 harnesses and using pick-up techniques when needed. Her new book, Rep, Rips, Reps Weave is now available. Her work has appeared in Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, Handwoven, and has been included in many juried exhibits.

Lucienne invites readers to send their questions and comments about Rep, Rips, Reps Weave: Projects, Instruction, and Inspiration to her at

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