The only Rhode Island public handweaving facility

The Rhode Island Weaving Center is being established to sustain and expand upon the handweaving experience offered for the last 45 years by the Saunderstown Weaving School (SWS). 

News & Events


Sustaining and Growing the Legacy of the Saunderstown Weaving School

Established in 1974 by Norma Smayda, the Saunderstown Weaving School will allow you to greatly expand your weaving horizons. Instruction is individualized for beginning and advanced students, with each student weaving projects of choice.


Great environment for learners

Many educational materials in local languages are often out of date. We work with school leaders and publishers to ensure that students have access to current textbooks that are age appropriate and written in their primary language.


For both local and visiting weavers

We create bespoke continuing education programs to address the needs of teachers and their student communities. From training on the latest technology to new pedagogical methods, we help teachers make their classrooms engaging and successful.


As a only Rhode Island public handweaving facility

Excerpts from community.Excerpts from community.Excerpts from community.